PAPYRUSSY, 2010 – Sound installation.
I Miss My Enemies
Sala del Camino, Giudecca 621 (Campo San Cosmo)
dal 4 giugno all'1 luglio
Può l'inimicizia trasformarsi in amicizia? Il mistero delle minacce propagandistiche. Una dichiarazione di ostilità come primo passo verso una nuova intesa. Gli amici temuti della nostra infanzia, i veri o immaginari nemici di oggi. Evento a cura di Oxana Maleeva.
Organizzazione: The Palaces of the Russian Museum Restoration Fund
(and maybe they miss me)
Wikileaks, with its more than 1.2 million documents, is shaking the whole world, releasing confidential and secret information about the relationships between nations, banks, politicians, the hidden side effects of ongoing wars. This may be the beginning of a new era of change. Relations among countries will not be the same for a long time.
Every nation is frightened by these disclosures, and surely this will provoke some amount of damage in diplomatic relations. “I miss my enemies” approaches a very timely subject: the problematic relationships among nations, their individual foreign policies and the contrasts among different, perhaps incompatible cultural heritages.
What remains, today, of what we thought were obsolete ideological conflicts? Have things really changed? What is happening now? What do we think of Russia, or China? And what are they thinking, regarding the USA, or Iran? The exhibition captures images from an international relationship that contain and convey what was, what is and what, perhaps, will be.
Instead of pointing fingers of blame, the exhibition wants to show, through the eyes of international contemporary artists, how enmity can switch to friendship and back. Phrases like “the people you love to hate” point to our fascination with the adversary, the mystique of the propagandized enemy. The show documents how expressions, feelings and emotions are in a state of constant change and development. Openly declaring a state of enmity can be the first step toward mutual understanding. In the ongoing historical relationship between art and worldly power, tensions and contrasts have often led to strikingly effective results.
The exhibition will also include moments of true verbal debate between adversaries on different sides of cultural barricades. The artists will be asked to concentrate on the imaginary enemy figures of their childhood, or to make works on real, purported or imagined enemies of the present.
Participating Artists
Jota Castro
Evgeniy Yufit
Roberto Cuoghi
Marc Vincent Kalinka
Babi Badalov
Bert Theis
Adrian Paci
Cast in progress
Sound advisor, composer Steve Piccolo
Declare your enemies & make art happen
www.imissmyenemies.com is a virtual collateral-art-project
It will be an open platform where users can see the progress of „I miss my enemies. “ (creation, planning, setting, VIP-opening, etc.)
Users can upload texts, images and videos concerning the topic „enemies“ (--> declare your enemies) and also post ideas and proposals for overcoming conflicts
Through this contribution, the users supply an artist (chosen by the curator Oxana Maleeva) with artistic „raw material“, which he will process into a piece of art, which will be exposed at the „mother“. (--> make art happen)