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The Museum of Everything
Serra dei Giardini
between the Giardini and the Arsenale
Viale Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1254
Castello 30122, Venice

segnalato da e-ARTNOW

condiviso da numero civico rovereto


The Museum of Everything // Venice Biennale 2013.

Il Palazzo di Everything // The Salon of Everything

The Museum of Everything

Serra dei Giardini
between the Giardini and the Arsenale
Viale Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1254
Castello 30122, Venice

The Museum of Everything is proud to present Il Palazzo di Everything: a one-off installation at the 55th Venice Biennale, celebrating Italian self-taught master artist, Carlo Zinelli, alongside The Salon of Everything, a free-form philosophical forum for artists, curators, writers and thinkers on notions of otherness in contemporary art.

Il Palazzo di Everything
from 29 May to 28 July
Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 8pm <
The Salon of Everything
daily until 10 June
12pm to 6pm

The Museum of Everything
Il Palazzo di Everything

With over 500,000 visitors to its installations since 2009, The Museum of Everything is the first and only wandering institution for the untrained, undiscovered, unintentional and unclassifiable artists of modern times.

On 29th May 2013, The Museum of Everything will open Il Palazzo di Everything, an Official Collateral Event of the 55th Venice Biennale, which this year includes over a dozen of the self-taught artists featured in the museum's historic installations.

Carlo Zinelli at
at Il Palazzo di Everything

In celebration, The Museum of Everything will present a retrospective of Carlo Zinelli (1916–1974), one of the key self-taught Italian artists of the 20th century, born just 100km from Venice itself.

During his lifetime, Zinelli's visual autobiography was celebrated by André Breton, Jean Dubuffet and Dino Buzzati, yet these rarely seen gouaches were created in the studio of a local hospital, where the artist lived after the Spanish Civil War left him shell-shocked.

This exhibition is the first time the artist has been shown at the Venice Biennale and has been organised in collaboration with the artist's family and the Carlo Zinelli Foundation.

The Salon of Everything at
at Il Palazzo di Everything

During the opening weeks of the Biennale, the museum will also host The Salon of Everything, an informal round-table conversation on private art practices, alternate languages and notions of otherness and difference in contemporary art.

Featuring leading artists, curators, writers and thinkers, The Salon of Everything will take place most afternoons and some mornings, with all sessions documented in conjunction with the BBC, to form an historic archive of ideas and opinions.

Current participants include curators Jean Hubert Martin, Ralph Rugoff and Paolo Colombo, artists Matt Mullican, Cindy Sherman, designer Ron Arad and more. If you wish to participate, please email your details:

For further information, please visit or come to Serra dei Giardini in between the Giardini and the Arsenale, where you can also find The Café of Everything - the only semi-functioning bar and eaterie anywhere near to the Giardini.

The Museum of Everything is a registered UK charity (1138368).

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