55a Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte - La Biennale di Venezia
Il Palazzo Enciclopedico
1° Giugno > 24 Novembre 2013
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Lorenzo Missoni, L'enciclopedia, 2012, Courtesy dell’artista
Andata e Ricordo Souvenir de Voyage
Mart Rovereto, 22 giugno – 8 settembre 2013
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Fundación Botín
Fundación Botín Visual Arts Grants and Art Workshop 2012
Visual Arts Grants. Through May 11, 2012
Lothar Baumgarten Workshop. Through May 18, 2012
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De Appel arts centre
Topsy Turvy
25 May–23 September 2012
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Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art | Cornell University
Memory and the Photographic Image
Symposium & Exhibition
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Visual Arts Flanders 2012
Discover contemporary art throughout Flanders, Belgium in 2012!
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Nathalie Djurberg, "The Parade" (detail) 2011.*
Walker Art Center
The Parade: Nathalie Djurberg with Music by Hans Berg
September 8-December 31, 2011
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Lili Reynaud-Dewar (with Pierre Giquel and Sabisha Friedberg) "Four Walls Speaking of Revolt, Media and Beauty," 2011. Installation view Jean Genet, Prisoners of Love. Nottingham Contemporary. Photo Andy Keate.
Nottingham Contemporary
The Late Genet: Three Symposia
The Black Panthers and Cinema
Nottingham Contemporary
Weekday Cross
Nottingham NG1 2GB, UK
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Nursery Rhymes at Warehouse #2
Cai Guo-Qiang
1040M Underground
27 August-13 November 2011
27 August 2011
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Grzegorz Klaman, production photo from setting-up the Camp.Courtesy the artist and Wyspa Institute of Art, 2011.
Wyspa Institute of Art
08.26 - 08.31.2011
Kiev - 09.07 - 09.11.2011
Brussels - 09.23 - 10.01.2011
Madrid - 10.11 - 10.20.2011
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54. Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte La Biennale di Venezia
ILLUMInazioni – ILLUMInations
Venezia (Giardini e Arsenale), 4 giugno – 27 novembre 2011
Vernice 1, 2 e 3 giugno 2011
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