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Palazzo Bembo
San Marco 4785
(Riva del Carbon) Venezia

Global Art Affairs Foundation

segnalato da

condiviso da numero civico rovereto


Wolfgang Joop

Eternal Love

ORGANIZER Ludwig Museum, Germany
CURATOR Dr. Beate Reifenscheid
LOCATION First floor of Palazzo Bembo, Venice, Italy.
DATE VIP Preview: 31 May 2011 Preview: 1-2-3 June
Open to public: 4 June - 27 November 2011

The Exhibition:

In the context of the 54th Venice Biennale 2011, the exhibition "Wolfgang Joop" at Palazzo Bembo will be curated by the director of the Ludwig Museum Dr. Beate Reifenscheid. This solo exhibition will present an overview of Joop's recent artistic work. The exhibition space has 9 rooms, 350 qm., which will all together show an exciting combination of sculptures and 2-dimensional wall objects in a wide range of materials, such as marble, batiste, fabrics, paper andjewels. Most of the works are from 2011 and especially made for this exhibition at Palazzo Bembo, other works have been recently made, in 2009 and 2010. The exhibition itself will be from June 4 until November 27 2011. Palazzo Bembo is located 70 meters from the Rialto Bridge, on the Grand Canal.

Joop addresses our human existence through a combination of ‘reality' and ‘dream', making references to pain and death, but presented in an esthetically beautiful way. Classic art-historical themes are addressed in a new, dream-like and experimental way. Wolfgang Joop is not afraid of emotion; the artist says he loves the "fairy tale-like, even in abstraction."With this exhibition, Wolfgang Joop aims to highlight the passion and beauty as well as the transience of life and to show the public a possible, positive way of handling these general topics every human being has to deal with.

 Altri Eventi
Personal Structures 2013

Personal Structures 2011

 Eventi in programmazione