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 arti visive
 cinema | video
 teoria | critica
 arte | moderna
 19° secolo
 | contemporanea
 arte orientale

Numero Civico
via Vittorio Veneto, 5
38068 Rovereto TN Italy
T & F +39 464 439936

Eventi condivisi


Bergen Kunsthall / Sternberg Press
Knut Åsdam

The Long Gaze The Short Gaze

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Dialogue - On the Politics of Voice

A publication produced by Iaspis
Editors: Mary Kelly and Cecilia Widenheim

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Cabinet Books and Bookhorse

The Moiré Effect by Lytle Shaw

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continent. issue 2

Created as an extension of the people and work of the European Graduate School, continent. exists as a platform for thinking through media. text, image, video, sound and new forms of publishing online are presented as reflections on and challenges to contemporary conditions in politics, media studies, art, film and philosophical thought.

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e-flux journal / Sternberg Press

Are You Working Too Much?

Post-Fordism, Precarity, and the Labor of Art

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Fundacion Cisneros/Coleccion Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Jac Leirner in conversation with Adele Nelson
Jac Leirner in conversation with/en conversacion con Adele Nelson

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Tomaso Montanari

A cosa serve Michelangelo?

pp. XII - 130
€ 10,00

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Jake and Dinos Chapman, I do not recall distinctly when it began, but it was months ago (I), 2010.

Counter Editions

New Jake and Dinos Chapman editions

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 Altre edizioni
MaHKUzine. Journal of Artistic Research | First Lustrum

PUBLIC #43 | Suburbs

CCA Glasgow | 2HB Volumes 1 - 9

David Zwirner | Second Annual Summer Pop-Up Bookstore

IMMA | The Moderns

Wiley | Patrik S. Schumacher: The Autopoiesis of Architecture

SKOR | Foundation for Art and Public Domain | Robert Smithson

Whitechapel Gallery | The London Art Book Fair 2011

n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal

BRANCHIE per la microeditoria | Paper Tales

RES #7

Maine College of Art | MFA Summer Visiting Artist Lecture Series and Book Launch at MECA

University of Chicago Press | Switching Codes

Museum Folkwang | Hacking the City

Anne Markham Schulz | Woodcarving and woodcarvers in Venice 1350-1550

Agonistic Academies

Come si diventa «Michelangelo»

Roma | Wouter van Riessen - Inner Glow

Marco Senaldi | Arte e Televisione

Soundtrack for an Exhibition | Forma

Meaning Liam Gillick


Voice Over | Iaspis

Libero | Roma Publications

a.titolo | Fiera del Libro

Loisaida: NYC community gardens

 CD DVD Dischi | Riviste
Cabinet #42

PUBLIC #43 | Suburbs

PUBLIC #43 | Suburbs

continent. issue 2

San Rocco 02

Mousse Magazine #28

Peep-hole #07

Frieze #124

Bidoun Magazine

Metropolis M


50° Nord

Frieze #123

Wit #11