Bergen Kunsthall / Sternberg Press
Knut Åsdam
The Long Gaze The Short Gaze
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Dialogue - On the Politics of Voice
A publication produced by Iaspis
Editors: Mary Kelly and Cecilia Widenheim
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Cabinet Books and Bookhorse
The Moiré Effect by Lytle Shaw
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continent. issue 2
Created as an extension of the people and work of the European Graduate School, continent. exists as a platform for thinking through media. text, image, video, sound and new forms of publishing online are presented as reflections on and challenges to contemporary conditions in politics, media studies, art, film and philosophical thought.
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e-flux journal / Sternberg Press
Are You Working Too Much?
Post-Fordism, Precarity, and the Labor of Art
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Fundacion Cisneros/Coleccion Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Jac Leirner in conversation with Adele Nelson
Jac Leirner in conversation with/en conversacion con Adele Nelson
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Tomaso Montanari
A cosa serve Michelangelo?
pp. XII - 130
€ 10,00
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Jake and Dinos Chapman, I do not recall distinctly when it began, but it was months ago (I), 2010.
Counter Editions
New Jake and Dinos Chapman editions
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