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Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig
Leitung Referat Presse und Kommunikation
Johannes-Selenka-Platz 1
38118 Braunschweig

segnalato da art&education

condiviso da numero civico rovereto


Braunschweig University

Careful! Risk

Art and Science / Art and the production of knowledge - Perspectives for Art Academies
9-11 November 2011
Wanting to know what something is, means wanting to examine it. Out of pure curiosity or with practical intentions, research is risky. I reach for something that is still unknown and don't know what will happen. Research extends the store of knowledge and at the same time questions it by renewing knowledge from the ground up. Careful, research! Research can topple everything I thought I knew. Knowledge is transient, like everything else.

With recent developments in contemporary art and cultural theory and also current trends in the development of German and European art academies, the question of the relationship between art and science is of vital importance. One part of the conference will deal with forms, possibilities, and the limits of dissolution of the boundaries between art and science, with a collaboration of artists (Ulrike Grossarth, Tacita Dean, Michael Stevenson), designers (Ruedi Bauer, Annette Stahmer, André Heers) and scientists from the fields of art and cultural science and philosophy (Mario Perniola, Kathrin Busch, Frauke Tomczak). The term "artistic research" can act as the main point of departure and designate the artistic production process, not only in the fine arts but also in the areas of design, theatre, film, literature, music and dance.

A further section will gather teaching artists, designers and scientists from various European art academies to discuss the developments of their institutions with regard to study courses in art, design, and theory. With a view to the still imminent changes in study structures at the HBK as a result of the Bologna Reform, it is fundamentally important to raise the issue of the dissolving of borders between the arts, design, and sciences. What possibilities and also what risks does the shaping of this constellation present for an art academy today?
As an art academy, the Braunschweig University of Art will be turning 50 in 2013. The conference Careful! Risk has the task of stimulating a debate at the HBK about the objectives it will be setting for itself in the future. The conference is organized by Prof. Dr. Hannes Böhringer, Dr. Susanne Märtens and the Braunschweig University of Art.
We cordially invite you to register at the following e-mail address:

Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig
Leitung Referat Presse und Kommunikation
Johannes-Selenka-Platz 1
38118 Braunschweig

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