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7th Mercosur Biennial
Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul
rua dos Andradas 1234, Rooms 1007-1008
90020-008 Porto Alegre, Brazil

segnalato da e-flux

condiviso da numero civico rovereto


7th Mercosur Biennial:

Grito e Escuta / Screaming and Hearing

Open Call for Artists' Submissions for

We invite artists from around the world to present projects for the exhibition Projetáveis [Projectables], one of the seven exhibitions in the 7th Mercosur Biennial, to take place at the Santander Cultural in Porto Alegre, Brazil, from October 16 to November 29, 2009.

Conceived by artist Roberto Jacoby, this chapter of the Biennial sets out to explore the materialization and specific localization of projects that, regardless of geographical borders or ultimate supports, use the world wide web as their primary channel.

Proyectables are bytes + atoms, hybrid forms that will travel on the Internet to later be downloaded or transmitted in real time through streaming and, in turn, be installed in one of the exhibitions of the Biennial. The projects may be visual (photographs, images, slideshows, shadows, videos, short, medium or feature-length films, animations, video-installations, flashes), sound or performative (VJ and DJ, performances, conferences) in nature, or make use of other media (websites, interactive games), etc.

These projects must be "projectable" which means that it must be possible to project them onto monitors, canvases and/or objects in contexts specifically designed as part of the work itself.

Contemporary speech is imbued by the word "project" ("project","projection", "projectile"). Its strict etymological meaning, "to launch forward," illuminates the vast field of meaning under which Projectables operate:

- To plan, pre-figure, imagine, design, conceive an idea, consider a future.
- To transfer from one sphere to another, attribute to one person traits of another, extend into space, time and society.
- To represent a body on a flat surface, to map.
- To emit a sentiment, make one's voice heard, communicate vividly, make known.
- To reflect an image on a surface, send rays of light onto something, make a figure visible by means of light.

Submissions will be received from May 22 to July 10, 2009. Guidelines are available at

For further information on the 7th Mercosur Biennial – and

The Santander Cultural is a cultural institution that sponsors the Mercosur Biennial and a major player in the fields of contemporary culture, the visual arts, music, film and education in Porto Alegre. The Santander Cultural actively supports the 7th edition of the Biennial, whose purpose is in keeping with its practice of integrating and communicating the multiplicity of languages and artistic-cultural contents.

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