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Dorsoduro 453, Venezia

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‘Still’ Life #16, Paolo Nicola Rossini, pigmented fine art giclée, 2013, 150 x 230 cm, ROSP0018.


55ª Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte - La Biennale di Venezia

Eventi Collaterali

Nuova Icona and Space SBH present an exhibition of work by Victor Matthews and Paolo Nicola Rossini. In spite of their different backgrounds, artistic mediums and geographic separation, the artwork of Victor Matthews and Paolo Nicola Rossini shares an exploration of the theme of Transition and in doing so, tells their respective stories. Both artists question universal themes such as life, memory, dream and the subconscious, reality, time and space and transition from one moment or idea to the next. Yet departing from the same starting point both arrive at very different destinations.

Rossini’s photography developed from the need to find a deeper conceptual approach to his work and a personal way to see and represent reality with landscapes (in the loosest sense of the word), elements, people, various still life becoming his subjects; in the works they appear as suspended in time and space, almost indefinite as moments collide.

His photographs melt their subjects in each image which combination changes the identity and reality of what the viewer sees, making the work seem more like painting; The overlap of sequential images melted together creates a real distortion of the space. This process aims to catch reality in its transition, a suspension between past and present; transition of spaces and subjects is the main theme of the body of work; they loose definition and color, details tend to disappear.

Then we have Matthews’ paintings which transcend from his dreams. He explores the idea of the subconscious and what is reality, memory and our perceptions of the world we live in. His white paintings which reference the New York landscape – have a serenity and simplicity about them which is innocent and playful and demonstrate Matthews intimate relationship with his city. The interplay of what appear to be shapes become apparent as landmarks - recognizable to every inhabitant as shared visual terrain: water towers and bridges, cars, sidewalks, hydrants – the very essence of his old Brooklyn neighbourhood. The paintings have a Modernist sensibility. Based on a palate of white, the textures of paint play against the raw-colored canvas demarcated by a strong presence of the two-dimensional — of line.

These two artists present the view of their reality as perceived by them internally and question what is one’s perception of the landscapes around us and what we see. They challenge this transition of image - externalizing it through their painting and photography.
This is the first collaborative exhibition of the artists and is curated by Natalie Clifford. Paolo Nicola Rossini lives and works in Monaco and Victor Matthews lives and works in New York.

Both artists are represented by Space SBH – Contemporary Art Gallery.
Nuova Icona is the sponsoring institution of the show and provides its management in Venice.
The curator and artists wish to thank all private sponsors for their support as well as Francesco Clemente, Salman Rushdie and Kathleen Goncharov for their time and text contributions to the catalogue. Additionally, Transitions / Transizioni" is a Sponsored Project of Artspire, a program of the New York Foundation for the Arts.

Other information
Exhibition address: Dorsoduro 453
Nearest vaporetto stop: Santo Spirito line 6; Zattere lines 2, 5.1, 5.2; Salute line 1
Opening Period : 1st - 27th June 2013 (Closed on Mondays with the exception of Monday 3rd June )
Opening hours : 10am – 7pm (1-9 June) then, 11am – 6pm (11-27 June)
Preview days 29th - 31st May 2013. For more information about preview events contact or

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